Monday, February 4, 2008

The Wall Street Journal Articles - My Take

***Business Solutions; Don't Fence Me In: New security technology doesn't put a firewall around a corporate computer system; Instead, it scans traffic, piece by piece***

Simple article on IDS (Intrusion Detection Systems), and anyone who works within the IT arena of a medium to large business would be familiar with. It goes beyond the basic firewall (still a necessity), to monitor the contents of every packet that crosses into a company's yellow zone. These do require constant montiroing, and can report false-positives (legitimate traffic blocked) unless they are tuned to the specifications of the company. They have matured significantly over hte last several years, and will only get better.

***Technology (A Special Report); Thinking About Tomorrow***

The last sentence of this article pretty much sums up where all of this technology is heading. As mobile phones have evolved to become al-in-one phones, cameras, GPS units, and media centers, the individuality of people will continue to disintegrate. More and more personal information is gathered on people and sometimes they even offer up their most intimate information voluntarily on sits such as and With satellite technology, it is possible to pinpoint the location of any person at any given time, and this gives me much angst over my privacy going into the future. People are more connected than ever before and those communication channels have become so cheap to facilitate the communication and store and analyse the date that individuality and privacy will become things of the past. The technology is very cool, and a lot of parts of it are focused on making our lives easier, but how mig with the trade-off be for this convenience?

***Technology (A Special Report); Predictions of the Past: How did we do the last time we looked ahead 10 years? Well, you win some, you lose some***

In 1998 the WSJ polled for the technological changes the world would see in ten years (2008). Some predictions were spot-on (desktop computing power), while some were not so close (the Dutch). I think at the root of this article, yet not stated, was push vs pull of technology. Some technology was developed and then found a market to service. Essentially letting people know they wanted something before they wanted it. But most technolgy comes from a "pull". As the general population became more comfortable and accustomed to developing technology, they started finding new ways they wanted to use technology, and the developers answered that call. There has been a big idea of "listen to what the poeple want and give it to them, and then some". It is almost amazing the accuracy that some poeple predicted ten years out, and leaves us to wonder what the world will be like come 2018.

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